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Common Interest Community Association Act

Click here to download a copy of the Common Interest Community Association Act (governance for non-condo properties)

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Below is a table of contents for the various sections of the Act (note: highlighted sections are those most frequently used by owners): Section...

1-1 Short title

1-5 Definitions

1-10 Applicability

1-15 Construction, interpretation, and validity of community instruments

1-20 Amendments to the declaration or bylaws

1-25 Board of managers, board of directors, duties, elections, and voting

1-30 Board of duties and obligations; records

1-35 Unit owner powers, duties, and obligations

1-40 Meetings

1-45 Finances

1-50 Administration of property prior to election of the initial board of directors

1-55 Fidelity insurance

1-60 Errors and omissions

1-65 Management company

1-70 Display of American flag or military flag

1-75 Exemptions for small community interest communities

1-85  Use of technology

1-90  Compliance with Condominium and Common Interest Community Ombudsperson Act
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