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ACTHA Seminar Recap: Getting Along on the Board (Without Necessarily Going Along)

October 26, 2018 9:24 AM | Deleted user

On Wednesday, October 3, 2018, Mark Rosenbaum of Fischel and Kahn Law Firm gave a presentation on the topic of Getting Along on a Board (Without Necessarily Going Along) at The Book Market at Hangar One at the Glen, Glenview, Illinois. The host, Barbara’s Book, provided a splendid venue for the presentation.

The seminar was well attended with a topic that has perplexed many Board member volunteers as well as unit owners attending Board meetings.

Mark Rosenbaum, in a comfortable arm chair manner, discussed the mechanics of a Board Meeting and the requirements of a Board Meeting in regards to Illinois Condo Law. He introduced the “gadfly” personality. Who is that? A gadfly is a unit owner who is not on the Board and who insists on complaining about what the Board does or does not do. The personality of the gadfly was explored; the complainer in the audience; one who complains and follows up and the gadfly who complains and never follows up. The Board has to deal with all unit owner personalities and tips were given how to deal with this “gadfly”. The speaker continued with the makeup of the Board. The harmonious Board and the fractured Board and how they affect the functioning or non-functioning of the Board progress and success.

Various stereotypes of Board members were analyzed. They are the project manager, the gadfly, the controller, the reluctant warrior and the regular. All aspects of these types were explored.

The final segment was why some boards cannot make any progress. What impedes them? Disputes about money, esthetics, big picture impasse, small picture impasse and a bad blend of temperaments all contribute to a non-performing Board. Mark Rosenbaum was open to questions from the audience and graciously gave real life situations and solutions to common Board interpersonal relationship struggles and road blocks that happen during the Board interactions. This includes Board meetings, neighborhood interaction and time on task. The attendees appreciated Mark’s calm manner and his professional expertise in the Condo world. 

The ACTHA Board of Directors thanks Mark Rosenbaum and looks forward to inviting him to speak at future seminars.

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